What are your core values?

What are Your Core Values “Core values begin with the owners. They must determine what matters to them.” Boone, 2021  Most clinics would disregard the need of having established core values. It may seem pointless to others, however, this becomes the foundation of the clinic. Vet clinic owners must first initiate this step. Having core […]

Are vet software programs useful & worth it?

Are Vet Software Programs Useful & Worth It - My Vet PH Blog

Are Vet Software Programs Useful & Worth It One of the unproductive results of vet clinics are customers not showing up during their assigned appointment schedules. This might highly be due to the lack of reminding customers or the lack of management practices in general. Hence, a number of vet clinics slowly transformed their processes […]

Achieving a well-sustained vet culture

Achieving a Well-Sustained Vet Culture - My Vet System Blog

Achieving a Well-Sustained Vet Culture In establishing a business, it is essential to point out that business is not purely about its product or service. But rather, all of the aspects involved in a business are all relevant in order to make the process from start to end achievable and successful. This would include giving […]

Introductory blog – about us!

Introductory Blog-About Us! We are My Vet System, an organization ready to address your veterinary needs, as well as the needs of your clinic. During the pandemic, we all know businesses and clients are both struggling to stay afloat. Whether it be a financial problem or a management problem, citizens all over the world have […]


Ease of Navigation while inside the Dashboard Users can easily navigate through desired pages by clicking these buttons. The user can also filter the content inside the Dashboard summary tabs by selecting whether the user wants Weekly or Monthly summaries. Users can search for customers and they will be redirected to the Customer list with […]

Summary Tabs Descriptions

View Pet Summaries The user can view the reports and summaries of recent pets and visits according to the selected filter. (e.g Weekly, Monthly) View Upcoming Visits for the clinic The user can view information about the upcoming visits of the clinic.

Customer Profile

Click on the “Eye” icon The Customer Profile can be accessed by clicking the eye icon, which is located at the “Actions” column. View the Customer Profile The user can view and edit individual customer profiles if they wish to know more information about the user. The user can view, edit, and delete the customer’s […]

Adding a New Customer

Click the “New Customer” button The user can create new customers by clicking the “New Customers” buttons provided. Create customer by entering complete customer information The user will be provided with fields that would contain the customer’s information. Click the create button if all fields have been filled up.

List of Customers

View all customers in the clinic The user can view all customers that are registered in the clinic This includes all information given by the user (e.g Name, Email, Contact Number, Address) Search for specific customers The user can also look for specific users by typing specific customer names in the provided search box at […]

Downloadable Reports

Heading to the Reports page There are various reports that can be downloaded. These reports include Sales & Visits, Sales Summary, Customers, Visit Count, and Sales Count. Sales & Visits In this downloadable report, the user can view the Sales & Visits of a specific range. Number of visits, Sales, Clients and Pets added for […]