Visit Details

Navigate to Actions column The user can access visit details by clicking the “Eye” icon inside the Actions column. View more details about the selected Visit The user can view more details about the selected visit. The user can also view, edit, and delete the selected visit.

Adding a New Visit

Navigate to upper right corner of a Pet Profile The user can add a visit by clicking the “New Visit” button at the upper right corner of every Pet Profile. Fill out the fields in order to create a visit The user will be redirected to the Create New Visit Page. This will require the […]

Subscribing a New Clinic

Select your new clinic After creating a new clinic, the user will be redirected to the Payment Page. Select your desired plan The user will be redirected to the Payment Page. The user can choose what kind of subscription and duration. The user can also choose mode of payments (e.g Paypal, Bank Transfer, Gcash).

View Payment History

Navigate to upper right corner of Subscriptions Page The user can also view all the transactions done in the clinic by clicking the “View Payments” button at the upper right corner of the Subscriptions page. View all the recorded payments inside the page The user can view all recorded payments recorded in the user’s account. […]

Extending Existing Subscription

Click the Subscribe button The user can extend a subscription by clicking the subscribe button, it will redirect you to the Payment page. The same steps would apply when Subscribing a New Clinic Select your desired plan The user will be redirected to the Payments page to proceed with the payment summary. Select the desired […]

Edit Clinic Information

Head to management menu If the user wants to update the clinic’s information, head to the Management menu and select the fields you want to edit. Deleting a clinic If the user decides to delete a clinic, they can head down to the bottom of the page and click the “Delete Clinic” button.

Switching and Creating New Clinic

Navigate to user profile menu The user can also switch to another clinic by clicking the user profile icon. From there, the menu will show you all of the registered clinics owned by the user. Adding a new clinic If the user wants to add a new clinic, head to Switch Clinic after clicking the […]

Visit Logs

Head to navigation bar and click Visits The user can view all visits recorded inside the clinic by heading to the navigation bar and clicking Visits. Filter visits according to desired date The user can also filter dates by selecting a specific date. After selecting the desired date, press the “Filter” button.

Managing Pet Immunizations/Conditions/Medications

Pet’s Immunizations/Conditions/Medications Overview The user can view the summary of a pet’s Immunizations, Conditions, Medications. Adding a new entry By clicking the new button, a pop up window will appear for you to provide details when creating a new entry. Managing entries By clicking the manage link, you will be redirected to a page where […]

Downloading Pet Visit Logs

Pet Visit Logs The user can also view the visit logs of the pet which is located at the bottom part of the Pet Profile page.